Spain, public administration, national security, informatization, cyberspace, cybersecurity, cyber attacksAbstract
The article reflects the features of public administration in the field of cybersecurity in Spain. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of cyberattacks both against government agencies and private ones has significantly increased in the world. Therefore, guaranteeing and ensuring security in cyberspace has become one of the strategic priorities of developed countries through its direct impact on national security, the competitiveness of companies and the prosperity of society as a whole. Spain has made significant progress in developing its own national cybersecurity system. Its national security system, headed by the head of government, is formed of three bodies: the National Security Council (Consejo de Seguridad Nacional) as a delegated government commission on national security; The National Council for Cybersecurity (Consejo Nacional de Ciberseguridad), which is part of the National Security Council, helps the head of government to direct and coordinate national security policy in the field of cybersecurity, and also promotes coordination, cooperation between public administrations and between public administrations and the private sector; The Situation Committee (El Comité de Situación), with the support of the Department of Homeland Security, supports crisis management in any area, which, due to its scale, exceeds the capabilities of conventional mechanisms. A separate place in ensuring security in cyberspace in Spain is occupied by the National Cryptological Center, which is under the jurisdiction of the National Intelligence Center under the Ministry of Defense. Since 2013, Spain has adopted a National Cybersecurity Strategy every few years. The experience of this state has shown the success of the measures being taken, which is confirmed by the fact that the global cybersecurity index prepared by the United Nations International Telecommunications Union puts Spain in 7th place in the world.
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