integration, host communities, internally displaced persons, integration index, UkraineAbstract
The phenomenon of the host community, which has a positive effect on the process of integration of internally displaced persons, has been studied. it is substantiated that the qualities of the integrating community are presented as socio-psychological and resource. It is determined that the socio-psychological qualities of the integrating host community are aimed at reproducing the values (goals) and methods of activity necessary for integration, establishing a balance of tolerance and intolerance in the relations of social units by optimizing their consolidating values, necessary changes in community institutions, identities of integrators, their access to resources and their exchange. Community resource qualities are aimed at cooperation and optimization of resources of two interconnected entities – individuals (groups) and the community. The specifics of the mechanisms for the integration of internally displaced persons have been identified and it has been shown that public authorities have generally responded effectively to the crisis, although the institutional structure for providing services to internally displaced persons has been complicated them. The levels of integration (low, medium and high) are given and their indicators are substantiated, in particular, such as equalization of most social and economic indicators; identification of internally displaced persons as equal subjects of the local community; conflict-free stable interaction; effective partnership; satisfaction with social status, comfort; recognition of community cultural values; positive perception of the environment and yourself in it; positive dynamics of demographic indicators; linking the future with the community and building resources (high-level integration indicators). Emphasis is placed on the need to make adjustments to the allocation of resources in host communities in order to create, disseminate and apply a new tool that meets the needs of man and society, the needs of interacting groups and causes social and other changes. It is proved that as an integrating subject, the host community is a socio-cultural entity, the activity of which reflects the specific properties due to the need to accept groups from other communities.
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