urban revitalization, public policy of urban revitalization, reforming, sustainable developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the current scientific problem of implementing the policy of urban revitalization in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the proper legal regulation of the outlined problem and the role of public authorities in the implementation of urban revitalization policy. It is determined that the concept of urban revitalization is understood as a complex process of overcoming spatial, economic, social, cultural, environmental crisis phenomena of the functioning of degraded urban areas and creating conditions for their sustainable development. The foreign experience of implementing the policy of urban restoration of degraded territories in such countries as Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States of America and others is analyzed. Based on the analysis, certain features are figured out. In particular, it is considered that the United States uses financial instruments and subsidizes territories to improve life. It has been determined that a number of crises have been overcome as a result of the revitalization policy in Great Britain and France, in the same time the experience of Germany provides an opportunity to assert the effectiveness of the tools of public participation. The gaps on the path to revitalization of Ukrainian cities are analyzed, including underfunding, weak information policy and low level of awareness, as well as the lack of a comprehensive urban development program. The general conclusion is made with the recommendations for the implementation of urban revitalization policy in Ukraine. It is proposed to create appropriate institutions and attract partner support from business, the public and local governments to develop a revitalization program.
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