


public administration and public management, the notion of “sustainable development”, conceptual and terminological apparatus, National Voluntary Reports on Sustainable Development, translation of notions


This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the interpretation of the notion of “sustainable development” in Ukrainian policy documents, which bases on the understanding of this concept in political circles, its translation from English into Ukrainian, giving it its own meaning, which does not always reflect the results of scientific research. The main purpose of the research is review of on the notion of “sustainable development” and understanding of its meaning in the activities of governments, the experience of which are introduced in Ukraine and comparison with Ukrainian scientific thought and practice. The difference in the interpretation of this concept leads to differences in the practical implementation of sustainable development, in particular in involving the population, building partnerships and communications and in the using modern opportunities of e-government. The relevance of the decision of this scientific problem is that narrow understanding of sustainable development in Ukrainian science and practice leads to the impossibility of full implementation of the experience of foreign countries, the lack of state strategic documents on sustainable development and the information gap between Ukraine and other countries. The research period is 2017-2020. The object of research is the Voluntary National Reviews of countries whose experience is being implemented in Ukraine. The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that in Ukrainian science, in particular public administration, and politics, it is necessary to re-evaluate the existing scientific and applied approaches to sustainable development, and to develop new areas of research, which can be applied in the practice of public administration. The existing polysemy of the concept “sustainable development” causes cognitive dissonance leading to a lack of a clear strategy and sustainable development goals, constant change of its vectors for sustainable development.


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