
  • Yurii Hryhorovych Khomich




democracy, state, state control, law-enforcement function, law-enforcement organizations, legal regime, regulation


The article is devoted to the study of functional features of law enforcement in the system of public administration. The definition of the law enforcement function of the state as a relatively independent, regulated by the laws of Ukraine and a separate area of activity of specially authorized bodies and officials of state power, civil society institutions and individuals in the field of law enforcement and law enforcement in society. The modern functional content of law enforcement in the context of public administration reforms is developed, and the essence of law enforcement is presented as an integrated set of specific measures of the state to maintain law and order in the state. The content of the concept of functional support of law enforcement has been clarified through the establishment of the peculiarities of reforming the law enforcement system at the state level. The problems of systematization of general functions of the state, determination of the place of law enforcement function in the system of state functions, its internal content in the context of law enforcement agencies are considered. Modern approaches to understanding the institutional dichotomy of the concepts of "law enforcement function of the state" and "law enforcement agencies of the state" from the standpoint of normative interpretation are systematized. The existing research approaches to the systemic reform of the authorities, which ensure the implementation of the law enforcement function, are analyzed. The article from the standpoint of public administration concept reveals a rational model of law enforcement function of the state, criteria for assigning state bodies to the category of law enforcement, improving the mechanism of law enforcement management. A new approach to the content of the law enforcement function of the state as a subject of the public sphere is substantiated, and on this basis the essence of the law enforcement content of public activity, which is implemented exclusively by the state, is determined. It is proved that from the standpoint of functionality, the law enforcement function is an objectively necessary area of the entire state mechanism, because both the state and the social structure of any community can not perform their functions without the tools of law enforcement.


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