
  • Yu. H. Khomich



democracy, state, state control, law-enforcement function, law-enforcement organizations, legal regime, regulation


The article is devoted to the study of the essence of the law enforcement function of a democratic state. The law enforcement function of the state is characterized as a set of separate concepts “law enforcement function of the state”, “functions of law enforcement”, “functions of law enforcement agencies”. The content of the law enforcement function among the functions of a democratic state has been determined. The main research approaches to the basic functions of the state are analyzed in the context of modern state and administrative reforms. The main features of the mechanisms for the implementation of law enforcement functions in the context of the institutional content of state power have been determined. The author’s classification of the content of the law enforcement function is presented from the standpoint of the subjectivity of management, the specifics of regulation, as well as the subject field of the implementation of such a function. The author’s scientific position on the content of law enforcement, law enforcement and law enforcement are proposed. The content of the mechanisms for regulating the activities of law enforcement agencies and bodies involved in the implementation of the law enforcement function has been concretized. Scientific approaches to the legislative consolidation of the concept of “law enforcement function” in the context of the concepts “function of the state” and “function of state administration” are systematized. It has been proved that the modern legal mechanism for the implementation of the law enforcement function can be formed on the basis of the principles of public administration in the field of state security and the protection of public order, based on the exclusive role of the principles of the existence of a modern European state. The result of the conceptualization of the concept of “law enforcement function” will be the formation of a methodological understanding of such a function as a combination of the state’s provision of a democratic algorithm for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens through rational rule-making and the activities of the state to ensure law and order, a constitutional regime for the protection of human rights and legitimate interests through precise and full compliance with legislation all citizens, organizations and government bodies.


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