professional socialization, border service, personnel, factors of professional socializationAbstract
The article examines the factors of professional socialization of the staff of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. It is substantiated that the formation of the personality of a border service official is carried out under the influence of a number of objective and subjective factors. The author divides objective factors into four groups: global, general, local and specific. Global factors are formed under the influence of world political, economic, social and spiritual processes. General factors are determined by the development of a particular state and the nature of social relations in a particular society. Local factors are formed depending on the peculiarities of service in the border troops of Ukraine and are determined by the peculiarities of the institutional development of the State Border Guard Service. Specific factors are due to the action of micro-institutions - the family, the reference group, the military. The role of the subjective factor in the process of professional socialization is emphasized. The interaction between the individual and the social environment is twofold. On the one hand, a person is the result of the development of concretehistorical relations, which is individualized, and on the other – he is a creative subject who not only transforms the “external”, “social” into “personal”, but also contributes something. from himself “in the social and in his inner world”. Objective and subjective factors not only determine the content of the existing and appropriate social qualities of an official of the border authorities and troops. They also determine the content and effectiveness of the process of forming the necessary qualities, the intensity of professional socialization.
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