general self-esteem, role self-esteem, level of intimacy, family sociogram, family systemAbstract
The article explores the interconnection between general and role self-esteem of women and its impact on relationships in the family system. General self-esteem is defined as systemic formation of personality, whose function is evaluation and formation of the emotional and value component of self-awareness, own traits and abilities, position among others, etc. Role self-esteem is defined as evaluation of an individual of their traits, characteristics of a subject who performs a specific social role, particularly the role of “woman”, “wife”, “mother”, and “daughter”. It was discovered that the majority of respondents have inflated general self-esteem on a neurotic type, about a third has an adequate level of general self-esteem, while the minority of subjects have low and low on a neurotic type self-esteem. It is determined that the average value of women’s self-esteem of the roles “woman”, “wife”, “mother”, “daughter” belongs to the average level of expression. Respondents rate themselves more as “women” and “wives” and less in the role of “mother” and “daughter”. The results suggest that the most significant role for survey participants is the roles of “mother” and “wife”, while the least important role is the role of “daughter”. We suppose that it is related to the topicality of the role performed at this age. Surveyed women consider themselves the least competent in roles of “wife”, “woman”, and only then “mother”. Analogous tendency is observed in the satisfaction with the performance of these roles. As it was determined, indicators of general selfesteem correlate statistically positively with indicators of role self-esteem, particularly with indicators of the roles of “woman”, “wife”, and “daughter”. The indicator of general self-esteem correlates statistically negatively with the significance of the role of “woman”. Therefore, the following interconnection is found: the higher indicators of general self-esteem are, the higher indicators of role self-esteem are and vice versa. The investigation reveals that women with adequate self-esteem and inflated self-esteem on a neurotic type have a sufficient level of intimacy to a greater extent. While the majority of surveyed women who have interdependent relationships have inflated general self-esteem on a neurotic type, the minority consists of women with low and low on a neurotic type general self-esteem.
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