


political conflict, youth, political radicalism, protest potential, motivation, youth policy


The article considers psychological concepts of research of features of political conflict of youth. It is determined that recently in Ukrainian society there is a tendency to increase the apolitical nature of modern youth, which is characterized by ideological uncertainty, political nihilism and blurred political identity, which led to the prevalence of pragmatic-hedonistic and egocentric tendencies and reducing the political participation of young people in the life of the country. It was found that given the extreme sensitivity of young people to various socio-political disorders, due to its increased emotional lability, excitability and potential aggression, this social group embodies a powerful opposition resource, which can be unexpectedly actualized in the form of violent aggressive protest behavior. Attention is paid to the actualization of protest activity of young people. It is determined that at the psychological level the main predispositions of political conflict of young people are frustration of basic life needs, dichotomous type of thinking, increased aggression, tendency to increased resentment and irritation, excessive emotionality and impulsiveness. Thus, all this in its entirety causes increased political conflict among young people, because it is a combination of emotional and identification-ideological motives that determines a person’s readiness for long-term participation in relevant protests and events. Conclusions were drawn up stating that the main task of youth policy should be to establish effective cooperation with youth organizations and ensure their direct participation in the processes of political interaction and important political decisions, in addition to providing young people with a set of appropriate guarantees for rights and freedoms. professional self-realization, as well as the restructuring of the system of political education in the direction of developing political tolerance and prevention of extremist tendencies among the representatives of modern Ukrainian youth.


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