


faith, self-confidence, interpersonal interaction, empathic abilities, forms of behavior, interpersonal relations


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the nature of interpersonal interaction of people with high confidence in people. To test the hypothesis that belief in people is manifested in certain forms of individual behavior in interpersonal interaction, the analysis of the results of the study consisted of three successive steps. The first is to determine the accuracy and variability of the indicator that characterizes trust, as well as to clarify the general trends of its manifestation in modern youth. Second, to establish the nature of the relationship between this indicator and various forms of behavior in interpersonal interaction. Third, the comparison of groups of subjects with high and low values of faith in people. The analysis of individual data and primary statistics shows that most students do not trust people at all, are suspicious of new ideas, convinced that these proposals are primarily in favor of the interlocutor, and therefore should not expect a positive result for themselves. Only a third of those surveyed fully or partially believe that most people can be trusted because they seek to be honest and act solely out of altruistic motives. Second, the correlation analysis found that belief in people is directly related to confidence, initiative, social courage, empathy, a willingness to compromise or avoid conflict, with a preference for friendly relationships with people, and a negative correlates with competition and cooperation in conflict, suspicious attitude towards people. Third, by comparing groups of respondents with faith in people and distrust, that trusting people are more able to make decisions in difficult situations, when choosing a certain alternative behavior are bolder because of a positive assessment of their own potential, more emotional sensitivity to the experiences of partners by interaction, better understand the motives of their behavior, seek to be more often among people, create warm, emotionally meaningful relationships, set up to establish friendly relations, not disappointed in people, and therefore do not show suspicion, tend to compromise, or generally avoid conflict.


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