



volunteering, prosocial activity, innovation, young people, soft skills


The article provides the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of volunteering, an important feature of which is social initiative, which is seen as an opportunity for voluntary prosocial activities of people aimed at constructing the new social reality in the process of socio-cultural activities. The author notes that volunteering promotes the development of active social position of the individual and becomes a real force for providing the comprehensive assistance and support to those who need it, especially in changing the basic values and guidelines that help in the formation and self-development of the individual in the constructive vector of personal development. In fact, it’s becoming the crucial task for student youth. After all, the fact that the leisure time of modern youth, which is mostly filled with the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances, computer games, which leads to the formation of gambling, aggression, etc., is quite alarming. Involvement of young people in volunteering actualizes the following components of personality structure: 1) at the cognitive level – the research and interpretation of the meaning and significance of volunteering, opportunities and limits of personal initiative, gaining new knowledge, developing creative potential and self-confidence; 2) at the affective level – a sense of involvement in the implementation of the particular mission, a sense of satisfaction with their own importance and the benefits of civic activities; 3) at the conative level – self-realization through the demonstration of responsible, independent, proactive, socially positive behavior. The author realized and analyzed the results of two stages of experimental research: 1) study of the associative field of the word “volunteer” through the selection of thematic groups-reactions: subjects and objects of influence of volunteers, forms of volunteering, volunteering as an action, the result of volunteering, personal qualities of volunteer, self-interest/benefit, markers of volunteering; 2) study of interest in the activities of volunteers.


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