


military personnel, psychological rehabilitation, legal and regulatory environment, financing, providing services, war veterans, combatants


The article considers the current state and problems of legal and regulatory environment of psychological rehabilitation of combatants and financing of this area. The reasons for the need to provide psychological rehabilitation to combatants, among which the main ones are combat mental trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, personal and behavioral deformations are mentioned. The unresolved issues of financing and psychological rehabilitation of combatants are outlined. It was determined that these include: imperfection of the legal framework for psychological rehabilitation, lack of a system for approving the programs of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel, development and implementation of an electronic system of personal support for psychological rehabilitation of combatants and their families who are in active military service or discharged. Moreover, nowadays a special attention needs to be paid to improving the financing of providing psychological rehabilitation to combatants. The classification of documents regulating the organization of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel is determined: laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, orders and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, orders of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Departments of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, orders of chief medical officers, patient treatment protocols. An analysis of the current state of the legal framework for solving the problems of psychological rehabilitation of combatants with specific references to legal documents was conducted. The content of the process of psychological and medical-psychological rehabilitation of military personnel is outlined. The ways to improve the financing of the organization of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel are suggested. Literature, which reveals the peculiarities of providing psychological rehabilitation services to military personnel and the normative regulation, is presented.


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