constitutional content, mechanism of ensuring human rights, good governance, public administrationAbstract
The article examines the features of the implementation of the mechanism of human rights protection by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the context of modern public administration reforms. The defining features of the body of constitutional jurisdiction of Ukraine are analyzed. It is pointed out the need to ensure the interaction of the body of constitutional jurisdiction with other public authorities, which aims to ensure the functioning of a single mechanism in the field of human rights protection. It is emphasized that in order to ensure an effective mechanism for the protection of human rights and freedoms, the activities of public authorities should be based on such basic means of good governance as coordination of intentions and actions, setting goals and their implementation, rules, norms of behavior on the manner of exercising power by institutions, making effective decisions, exchanging information, responsibility for their actions, ensuring publicity, public participation and more. The necessity of ensuring proper normative-legal regulation of the activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is indicated; determination of the powers of the subjects of appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine; establishing interaction between such entities, which would exclude the possibility of influencing judges of a body of constitutional jurisdiction. The article also states that the new requirements of society clearly determine the need for change, with an emphasis on reforming the management processes that have already taken place in developed democracies and have proven successful. In the context of active socio-political and legal changes in Ukraine, the role of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine is important, which requires significant state support, public confidence and unquestioning consideration of trends in statebuilding traditions. Only under such conditions will the Constitutional Court of Ukraine be able to continue to guarantee the rule of law and the Constitution of Ukraine, the constitutionality of laws and other normative legal acts, and thus the proper protection of human rights and freedoms at the appropriate level.
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