fears, anxiety states, training, training technologies, cognitive filtersAbstract
The article considers the effectiveness of training as a method of overcoming fears. The aim of the work is to provide a theoretical justification application of training technologies in working with fears and highlight the effective aspects of the application of training. The key tasks of the training are outlined, the features and benefits of group and individual lessons is pointed out. The research methodology involves the use of general and special methods and techniques, in particular, analysis, synthesis, abstraction, specification, descriptive method, partial forecasting. For the purpose of minimize fears, various exercises are offered within the training programs. Emphasized on necessity to give a short lecture dedicated to the role in cognitive filters. As an effective method of acquaintance, the exercise “Blind guide” is offered. It is predicted that in this way it is easier to relieve emotional stress, choose the appropriate means of establishing contact. The expediency of exercises to form a reflection of self-esteem is substantiated. The “Drama Arena” method is proposed to be used in order to form a general picture, which is actually the installation of individual flashbacks. Has been clarified the expediency of using the “Тsunami” exercise to eradicate the fear of loneliness. The need to adhere to the organizational principles of training (feedback, confidentiality and secrecy of the group, discussion of situations that occur in the group, activity and shared responsibility), which underlie the success of this form of group work. Based on the work the proposals are formed on the optimal technologies for training directed at combating fears. The conclusion is made about the expediency of creating a training program aimed at reducing the intensity of experiencing various kinds of fears, prevention and correction of negative emotional states, self-doubt of middle-aged women.
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