
  • B. O. Lohvynenko




healthcare system, medical reform, unsystematic, efficiency, medical care, state policy


The article is devoted to the scientific analysis of unsystematic in the healthcare system as the main problem of today. The state policy in the healthcare sphere is analyzed for systematicity and consistency. This allows us to talk about the lack of consistency in the formation and implementation of public health policy, which ultimately leads to the «conservation» of unrealized goals and change the guidelines with each newly adopted document. As a result, the announced changes are postponed indefinitely (creation of the state health insurance fund; reform of emergency medical care), or implemented in part (development of the system of medical care by levels; the principle of «money follows the patient»). The characteristic of the reform of health care financing in the modern period is carried out. Medical reform is not implemented in accordance with the Concept and Action Plan for its implementation. Instead, there is a lack of system in its implementation of the reform, where each subsequent stage is an adaptation to today's conditions, and each subsequent Minister changes it in accordance with his own vision of the problems and prospects of medicine. The effectiveness of the emergency healthcare system is described (using the example of countering the spread of COVID-19). It is concluded that quarantine restrictions are often ignored by local authorities, and the population commits mass violations of quarantine measures. Without the support of quarantine restrictions by coercive measures in case of non-compliance, any appeals and convictions lose their relevance. It is established that the manifestations of this problem affect: 1) real provision of the right to healthcare guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of providing free medical care; 2) lack of a clearly defined state policy in the healthcare sphere; 4) uncertainty of the final results and deadlines for completion of medical reform; 4) the effectiveness of the organization of quarantine measures to combat the spread of COVID-19; 5) the condition of economic stability and defence capabilities of the state. Emphasis was placed on the need to create proper regulatory and legal support for medical reform in Ukraine, guarantee the implementation of the measures envisaged by it and compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine.


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