personality’s fulfillmentity, police officers, policing practice, professional self-fulfillment, self-attitudeAbstract
The analysis of studies of the phenomenon of “self-attitude” in the practice of policing is presented, the essential content of the mentioned phenomenon is revealed and the necessity of its qualitative study at a professional group of policemen is proved. Theoretical research has shown that self-attitude is important for a thorough analysis of police activities in terms of their professional actions, deeds, emotions, thoughts, feelings, which allow them to produce rational decisions and improve as a specialist. The aim of the article was to determine the features of self-attitude of police officers with different levels of personality’s fulfillmentity (PF) and professional self-fulfillment (PS). In the empirical study for the formation of groups was used cluster analysis by the method of k – means using data obtained with help of the questionnaire of personality’s fulfillmentity personality’s fulfillmentity (PF) by O. Shtepa and the questionnaire of professional self-fulfillment (PS) by O. Kokun. The data obtained in the study of PF allowed to divide the total sample of police officers, which included 97 people, into three groups: the first group (low level of PF ) was 25 persons, the second group (high level of health) – 29 respondents, the third group (medium level of PF) – 43 subjects. According to the results of the PS study, the total sample of 72 police officers was also divided into three groups: the first group (low level of PS) included 24 persons, the second (high level of PS) – 28 respondents, the third (medium level of PS) – 20 respondents. Police officers with low and high levels of PF and PS were involved in further research. To achieve the aim of the study, we used Methods of self-attitudeє by S. Pantileev. It was found that police officers with a high level of PF are characterized by more openness, honesty about themselves and others, it is important for them to be able to listen to their thoughts and feelings, which gives confidence in the performance of official duties. These subjects are clearly aware of the strength and value of their Self, the goals and prospects of their development as a personality and a professional. The high level of PF in the police finds its expression in a positive attitude towards themselves, competence, ability to cope the challenges of the profession, not succumbing to emotions, external pressure and stress. Low-level police officers have doubts about their own authority and a sense of inability to change the situation. Regarding professional self-fulfillment, it was found that its high level in police officers is reflected in developed self-management skills, focus on establishing friendly public relations, understanding the meaning of their activities and awareness of their place in the profession, acceptance of their actions and responsibilities. to stress, the negative effects of emotional content, purposeful, coordinated activities in problematic situations, as evidenced by a meaningful interpretation of self-attitude factors. The low level of PF is characterized by a tendency to maladaptive mechanisms, in particular, self-blame, internal instability, tendency to imbalance of emotional states etc.
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